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Brand Identity, Website Design + Development and Coaching for the Heart Centered, Purpose Driven Business Owner

You are more than just your logo. You are your passion, your vision, and your unique story.



Are you ready for your business dreams to take root and thrive?

Here, we will go beyond the basics of logos and aesthetics to deeply understand and manifest the essence of your brand. With a blend of intuitive brand and website design, strategic marketing, and transformative coaching, I help empower you to not just cultivate a business, but to fully live your purpose and make a meaningful impact.

Branding and building a website is more than choosing a logo and colors - it's about creating an experience that builds emotional bonds, tells your unique story, and truly resonates with your audience.

If you’re on a quest for a brand identity that evolves with your business, engages your ideal clients, and genuinely reflects who you are, I'm so glad you are here!

let's grow your brand


Get crystal clear on your brand and messaging by sparking a conversation with ChatGPT

ChatGPT Prompt Pack: Define Your Purpose & Attract Your Dream Clients to get started on your wild, wonderful, and oh-so-rewarding branding journey!

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Work With Me

Brand Essence Design

Website Artistry

mindset Coaching

AI-Driven Brand Innovation

brand photography


Hey there dreamer...

I'm Laurie,
the founder of Flourish.

My mission is to empower heart-centered, purpose-driven entrepreneurs to manifest their true potential through intuitive and strategic brand identity design, website creation, and transformative coaching, helping them connect deeply with their dream clients and thrive.

learn more about flourish

See My Work


"Crafting the right words and ideas and being able to fully express what I was offering on my website was a daunting task. Laurie took the time to patiently ask probing questions that helped draw out the exact expressions I wanted to convey. She then built me a website I absolutely adore that authentically represents who I am and what I offer! What once felt like an overwhelming project became effortless and simple with her guidance."

- Marilyn Eagen

"I am so grateful for Laurie's magic!"





Reach out, and let’s get this garden growing. Your business is about to bloom in ways you’ve only dreamed of.

I can't wait to hear your story!


Let's craft a brand that’s so you, it feels like your favorite pair of jeans – comfy, but oh-so-chic.

Struggling to capture the essence of your vision in your branding? Feel like your current identity doesn’t quite mesh with who you are or who you aspire to be? I’m here to help you align your brand's look and feel with the core of your business, ensuring it not only represents your values but also resonates deeply with your target audience.

We’re making digital homes that not only welcome your ideal clients but make them never want to leave. 

Does your website feel more like a vacant lot than a welcoming home? I'll transform your online space into a captivating, user-friendly site that reflects your brand’s personality and draws clients in, encouraging them to explore and connect.

Think of me as your AI whisperer, ready to bring your brand into the future.

Intimidated by the fast-paced world of technology? I specialize in leveraging cutting-edge AI tools to enhance your branding and marketing efforts, ensuring your business stays relevant and ahead of the curve.

Because sometimes, the only thing standing in our way is, well, us. Let’s tackle those fears head-on, with a side of humor and heart.

Facing self-doubt or feeling like an imposter? My mindset coaching offers practical, empathetic guidance to boost your confidence, helping you overcome internal barriers and embrace your entrepreneurial journey with optimism.

Capture the soul of your business with images that do more than just look pretty—they tell your story.

Struggling with visuals that don’t quite communicate your brand’s essence or attract your ideal client? Let’s change that. I offer brand photography that reflects the unique personality and energy of your business, creating a visual narrative that connects emotionally with your audience and sets you apart in a crowded marketplace.

I'm so glad you're here! Stick around, there's so much to see!


Hey there!
Branding & Website Design
with heart