
This is your go-to spot for design, AI and business tips, project highlights and the things I love that I want to share with you. So grab your favorite cozy drink, settle in, and let's dive in together!

the blog

  In the hustle of daily business operations, where do spirituality and personal growth fit? For me, Laurie Nowling, founder of Flourish, blending my spiritual journey with my entrepreneurial spirit isn’t just a practice; it’s a necessity. It’s about making a heartfelt impact and leading with purpose. “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness […]


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branding & web design

Whether it's personalized coaching, bespoke branding, or dynamic courses, Flourish is your go-to for taking your business from overlooked to overbooked.

With 20 years of trailblazing in business and a knack for transformative design and AI, I'm here to help you navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship with ease and excitement.

Laurie Nowling